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Impressions around  Puta O: Sequence 4

On a 'fishing cruise' to Upper Shangaung


Firs:t: in the morning check the quality of the yeast (above)

and check that everyone is  busy in the rice brandy destillery (below)

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If you are very courageous check the quality of the warm brandy

flowing off of the condenser (the aluminum pots in the photos above)!!!

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Second: drive some miles ... through scenic Puta O, Lower Shangaung (above)

and stop before entering Lower Shangaung ...

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Third: walk some meters  through lovely Upper Shangaung (above) to the shop at the end of the village (below)


Fourth: ask the nice lady who owns  the shop to rearrange the furniture (from inside to outside) ... and last not least we are having a good (lunch) time with a load of beer

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Besides, our SUV is always an attraction!

But this great day was n't yet over as one of my tour guides said that he has  to buy a cock ...


Heading back to Puta O with its  cozy houses and lovely attractions ...

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... waiting with a couple of beer for our tour guide to return with the cock ...


... and here it is!

On that day we created the nick name 'Chicken Jones' for this  tour guide!

Tragedy was that the cock went lost next day (we suspected the cook but he wasn't) and I had to fly to Myitkyina (so I couldn' t take part in the search party!)



Copyright(c) 2003 Dr. Oswald J. Kolb. All rights reserved.